CPR & AED Saves Lives!

CPR & AED Saves Lives!

Welcome Life Saver!

Did you know that over 500,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest every year in the United States. Currently less than 10% of those people will actually survive. Performing CPR & using an AED can double or even triple their chances of survival.

I created this platform to help save lives by Teaching, Sharing, & Advocating for all things CPR & AED.

Let’s connect, send me a message!

  • Are you a Cardiac Arrest survivor? Share your story with me.

  • Did you save someone with CPR/AED? I want to hear about it.

  • Looking for a CPR class, I can help.

  • Want to find out how to help save lives in your area, send me a message.

    I can’t wait to hear from you!